The Ties (or double velcro straps in this case) That Bind

While we left the store empty handed, the morning was anything but a waste. I picked her up as we headed back to the car, kissed her cheek and said, "I had such a good time, didn't you, Dani?" She just smiled.
Then fifteen minutes later, I heard the cutest little voice from the backseat, "I had good time wid Mommy."
I confess that up until today, shoes haven't exactly been a bonding agent between the two of us. We struggle literally every morning when it is time to put shoes on. She invariably wants to wear her purple rain boots to the beach or her prissy sandals to the playground. I invariably squelch her dreams of being fashionably independent. And so goes the sole wrenching power struggle.
But today, footwear finally brought us together.