Five Minute Friday: If I knew I could, I would

I don't know how Lisa-Jo keeps this Five Minute Friday thing going, what--with a brand new baby girl not to mention two active preschool boys in her charge--but I'm glad she does. Because lately, five minutes is about the only time I have to write. Well, if we're being honest, I took 8 minutes today, so whatever. I cheat.

Today's prompt is "If I knew I could, I would..."


If I knew I could, I would
walk across America on my hands,
give up coffee in favor of tea (African Nectar, perhaps),
invent a breed of dog that doesn't shed (or poop for that matter)--but loves children and oceans and tennis balls just like regular dogs do.

If I knew I could, I would
dip my toes in all seven seas,
wear a different hat every day,
run up Cadillac Mountain, reach the top in time for sunrise,
teach a thousand little girls to read,
pull off a whip-back, whip-back, triple twisting layout at the ripe old age of 36.

If I knew I could, I would
take back the volumes of ugly words I hurled at the man I vowed to love,
turn back the hours of time I wasted working like an addict against failure.
I'd spin in circles until I found my center and fell like a heap
of an 8 year old girl, all ruffles and twig legs and auburn french braids,
And I would stop trying so hard to be
or someone else.

If I knew I could,
I would.


What would you do, if you knew you could?

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