Bean There, Done That
The first time we went to visit the LL Bean flagship store, we had a blast. We couldn’t begin to see and do it all in the short window we had. So we came back. And then we came back again. And again. And again. And while Caed still seems to love almost every minute of our morning excursions to Freeport, I admit my fondness for the fleece-filled store is waning.
This morning we were there yet again. Larry is working all weekend. It is sopping wet outside (though the rain has subsided), and it is the dead of winter. We HAD to get out of the house today, and we had no choice but to head north to the village of the big boot.
Don’t get me wrong, I bear no ill will toward the boot, the trout ponds, the river aquarium, the climbing rock, the coloring section in the kids’ corner, and the pretending-to-go-camping tents (which normal shoppers know as simply--the tent department).
No, it is not so much bitterness with the boot as it is boredom. It is the realization that I have the women’s shoe department memorized--from the tallest boot to the skinniest flips--thanks to the countless minutes I spent circling the comfort mocs while Caed played on the hiking rock.
Yep, the wonder of this wilderness store has worn off. And I can officially say we’ve “Bean there, done that.”. That won’t, however, prevent Caed from asking “Can we do that ‘gain, Mommy???”