Wicked Pot Holes

I really wish I could have captured the audio on this one. So I’ve been explaining to Caed that the cracks in the road are often caused by winter weather, and that cracks turn into holes, which we call “pot holes”.

Driving home this morning, Caed noticed a number of these pavement imperfections. Now, to understand why I found this funny, his pronunciation is key. He drops the “L” sound at the end of most words, and often substitutes it with a “W” that sounds like a messed-up “R”. Thus, the word “hole” sounded more “horwe”.

So Caed yells....“Look at all those crack holes! They are everywhere. Here comes another one! I don’t like the crack holes, mom. They are not good. Why are there so many crack holes in Portland, Mom??”

In between my laughter, I reminded him that the word is “pot holes”. He replied, “No, I like calling them crack holes.”

I’m thinking we better work on his pronunciation before he goes back to school and tells his teacher that he saw “crack horwes” over the weekend!

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