No, it was really more like running. Just running. Without dreaming or sleeping at all the night prior. And then day-dreaming, while running, about when the running would be over, and how soon I could be sleeping. But I’m running on too far ahead of myself, so let me start at the beginning....
The fun began Friday with a night out with Larry--no kids, just grown-ups. By the end of the evening, we had shed our grown-up status and were acting like kids, dancing to 80s tunes that hearkened us back to the days of yore (aka high school). So, by midnight, we realized it was time to stop partying like it was 1999 and head home. I had a 5k road race to run bright and early the next morning. Not to mention we needed to relieve the sitter, who was probably starting to worry.
So that night, I have no idea why, but I couldn’t fall asleep. The later it got, the more my mind raced. It was this weird countdown. I have to be up in 4 hours...3.5 hours...3 hours. By T minus 2 hours and counting, I was a mess. I’m normally out cold by 11 p.m., or 30 minutes into Law & Order, whichever comes first. So this was a foreign experience for me. After less than an hour of sleep, I had to get up to start the day with a 5k. Thank goodness for adrenalin!
I had signed up to run the race with friends Kate & Meredith in an attempt to motivate myself to exercise. It worked! I finished the race without stopping to walk, which I think may be my “personal best”. You gotta start somewhere, right?
After the race, we met back at Kate’s house for a cook-out, complete with a bouncy house for the kids (which served as a sort of outdoor “padded room” that I’m always saying I need for Sheridan). It was relaxing and fun day for all, followed by a night of solid sleep glorious sleep!