The Places We Are
At 5:33 this morning, I poured the coffee. Fed the dog a few minutes later. It must have been 5:37 when Larry came down the stairs, playing Marco Polo with the birds--the whistling and chirping version. Those birds were really going strong this morning. I thought for sure we'd find one singing back at us on top of the fridge, and that we'd easily win the first Marco Polo round.
It is going to be hot today. I mean, hot for June in Maine (88 if you really wanted to know). And since we don't have central air, we just open the windows in the morning while it is still 60 degrees, and let the cool air and the morning-voiced birds remind us of how lucky we are.
When I pulled out the peanut butter at 5:45, I heard myself scream it out in my head, like a rock star at the end of the set. We love you Portland! Then I did it again just for effect (in my head still--I mean--the kids were sleeping--I'm not that crazy).
Three years we've been here now. And from the beginning, it came so naturally to root for the home team.*Did you notice Dani is wearing the same shirt all three years? I bought her a 3T at 16 months, and we made it last. I just couldn't bring myself to spend much money on Red Sox clothing, seeing as we're Indians fans, and we only love Boston when they beat the Yankees. Anyway...moving on....
I could make a list of all the reasons to love this place. But the most endearing thing by far--by really, really far--is that this is where they grew from babies to little people. My little man--a pudgy two year old when we arrived in Portland--graduates from Kindergarten today. My little girl--a fussy four month old when we moved north--now rides a big girl bike and tells her mother it is "not appwopiate" when being forced to eat her broccoli.
Marco! (whistle-whistle!)
Polo! (chirp-chirp!)
We love you, Portland.
What do you love most about where you are? Write it down (here in the comments, or just pencil it in your head), and remember it all day long. And tomorrow too. And let's all just make a point to remember what we love most about the places we are right now. Not the places we've been or the places we're going. The places we are.