Hello to Max & Goodbye to Summer

Becky & Max joined us in Maine this weekend to celebrate the last few days of summer. Soon, school buses will sputter down the street, leaves will flutter from yellow-tipped trees, and we will put on sweatshirts instead of swim suits. But not before we dish one more summer helping of fun onto our plates!
Within an hour of the von Meister’s arrival, we packed our beach bags and headed out to Pine Point Beach. The tide was low, and so we ventured through the tidal pools and over a sand bar, on a splashed-filled treasure hunt. The water was frigid, but the kids were not the slightest bit daunted.

With sand speckled toes and rosy cheeks serving as ample evidence of our beach adventure, we then headed over to Salty Bay for dinner. Sheridan led the way...

The next day, it was a bit overcast, so we hit the Children’s Museum, always a crowd pleaser. The highlight for our boys was the opportunity to play pirates, costumes and all. These pictures capture their attempt at a “pirate face”.

And I can’t help but throw this one in. Caed put on a puppy costume, and then pretended to be the Big Bad Wolf. He huffed and he puffed, but he never quite captured the essence of his chosen character. Let’s face it, he can pull off adorable puppy, but Big Bad Wolf just ain’t in him.

More to come from our weekend in the next post!

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