In Memory of Rick

My dear friend just posted this tribute to her husband, to help her son Max remember his Daddy as the fifth anniversary of his death approaches.

I generally deteriorate into a teary mess whenever I see pictures of Rick holding Max. But this morning, I found myself smiling through the tears, laughing at the picture of the big guy with his German Shepherd and recalling the not-so-macho nickname he gave her--"Sabre-Bunny".

And as the images flashed by of Max when he was just weeks old, for once, my thoughts didn't linger long in that time of grief. Instead, I glimpsed pictures of the present, of Max and Caed splashing in the tidal pools and turning driftwood into swords. I heard Max's voice telling the firefighter who stopped to offer the boys stickers and a closer look at the fire engine, "My Daddy was a firefighter! My Daddy was a firefighter!! Did you know my Daddy?"

And I remembered one of the first things I heard Becky say after Rick died.
As she held Max close to her breaking heart in a tear-soaked corner of the hospital, she kissed his 11 week old forehead and said, "I'm so glad I have you."

And that's why I smiled today. Because of Max. He is a living tribute to his dad. And Max, we're so glad we have you, today more than ever.

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