Flashback Friday: Friendship
Last week while Dani and I were driving around town, she shouted, "You are my BEST BEST pwiend in da wor'd."
"Aw Hon," I replied. "You're my best, best girl."
"I not tawking to you, Mama."
"Well, who were you talking to?"
"To da o'der Dani. I say to her, 'You are my best best best pwiend, Dani giwl'."
"So I'm not your best friend?"
"Nope. You are my best Mommy."
I smiled. Her imaginary friend--the other Dani--may have scored top billing in the friend department. But I am her best Mommy. And you really can't top that.
This week's prompt is FRIENDSHIP; and clearly, my post was a bit of a stretch both in theme and in time frame. So please don't think twice if you want to link up a post that is off theme or that doesn't require you to cull through years of memory. Just join us by copying the permanent link to your post into the MckLinky form below. And if you have some time, please visit the other entries and comment generously.
Next week's theme: FREE FOR ALL / OPEN TOPIC