Grateful for the Usual Stuff

I started to write that this weekend was just the usual family stuff. And then I thought: How lucky am I that my days are filled with "usual family stuff"?

I truly don't take it for granted. Especially when I see a fellow Kindergarten mom at drop-off, wearing a bandana in lieu of hair. Or when I talk with a friend who desperately longs to have children. Or when I chat with a mom about her sweet grandson, about how acutely she misses his mother, her daughter. About the year she's lived since the crushing grief.

Sometimes I use this space to remind myself of the blessing. Not to gloat to others, but to admonish myself to choose gratitude always. Always. (Even when my little guy is puking his poor little tummy out. Even when my daughter is testing the feeling in my every nerve.)

So I will say it loud enough for my innermost self to hear. I am so very grateful.

For this.

And this.

And this and this and this and this.

What are you grateful for today?

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