In which I face the fact that there is no pithy title to pull this all together

I accidentally gave up blogging this past week. I honestly didn't mean to fall off the face of the internet. I had every intention of replying to all of your wonderful comments and keeping up with Google Reader. Really, I did.

But there is a lot going on right now (Don't you hate it when people say that?), and it feels good to give the "a lot" my undivided attention.

Also, I need to 'fess up, particularly to those who might have spotted pigs flying past your house. I know it's not pretty, and it's entirely my fault. You see, I started researching the possibility of home education. (I'm not even going to tell you the list of things I said I'd sooner do than home school. The flying pigs will have to metaphorically suffice.)

I'm currently weeding through a stack of books and talking to home educators, elementary school teachers, and of course my mother (an elementary teacher by profession, a sounding board and sanity check by relation). I think I might have even casually mentioned it to the cashier at Target. Yeah. It's what you might call "top of mind" right now.

And when I'm not obsessing about schooling choices, I'm refreshing housing sales and rental sites every five minutes. You know, because a new property might have just been posted. And maybe it is THE ONE.

Sigh. Have I mentioned I tend to be a bit, um, high strung?

Really, Jo? You?? High strung? Naaaah.

(I'm also somewhat prone to sarcasm.)

Anyway, enough about me. Sheesh. It's enough to make you all wish for more weeks of accidentally giving up blogging.

Will you forgive all this rambling if I just end with pictures of these messy lovelies?

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