We All Fall Down
It's actually a bit embarrassing. I didn't realize my infatuation with Autumn was so obvious. Last month's photos alone are enough to catapult me into the stalker category.
But it's not as bad as it could be. I could have posted a video montage with Natalie crooning "These Are the Days" in the background.But I didn't. Even though these really are the days.
I'm lucky enough to have friends who are as seasonally smitten as I am. So when play group day rolls around, it is not a question of what we will do, but where we will hike.
And how far we will run.
And will we choose the leafy playground or the grassy meadow?
Duck-duck-goose or ring-around-the-rosy?
Oh, really, why make us choose. Let's do it all.
Linking this post in the free-for-all week at You Capture, hosted by Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry.