Boston: The Final Day

So a few days ago I eluded that I might only post sporadically. And then lookie there, three posts in three days! What can I say? I aim to please confuse.

So remember that trip we took to Boston? I nearly forgot I had one more day to recap before I could tuck the vacation safely into bloggy memory. So here we go.

When our last day dawned in Beantown, we woke up to rain showers both literal and figurative. Let's just say that by day three of no naps, endless walking and early mornings, Dani wasn't exactly Little Miss Sunshine.

She perked up a bit on the subway ride over to the Aquarium, most likely out of relief that she didn't have to walk. And by the time we arrived at the wharf, she and her brother were all smiles.

By far the favorite exhibit of the day was Myrtle the Sea Turtle. Below is a shot of Dani looking up at the 500 pound turtle.
Myrtle returned the look, eying Dani and offering the universal sea turtle greeting of the High Ten. (Up High! Down Low! I'm too slow!)
After the aquarium, we walked over to Faneuil Hall, wandered through the displays for Marine Week, made one last stop at the Public Garden and then headed back to pick up our luggage and catch the train.

And before I put the camera away, I took one final look through the lens.

And boy did I love what I saw.
I am
so blessed
to call these three my own.

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