I Love Them...A Bushel and a Peck
Autumn is upon us, and strange things are happening.
1) Alert the media! Dani is willingly eating fruit! Apples, to be exact. When we stopped at an orchard this week for a half peck (just to hold us over until we could do full-scale apple picking), Dani sampled a mini Macintosh. And since then she's been eating apples as if they grow on trees. And apparently they do.
2) I got the urge to bake banana-apple bread. From scratch. With carmelized apples and everything. And then I actually acted upon the urge. And didn't burn the bread. No pictures are included here because it is already gone. It was that good.
3) Larry randomly and generically announced, "I like your cooking." Friends, we need to pause and just let that one sink in. This is coming from the man who loves telling the story about the time I served him undercooked chicken in what he deems to be an attempt to finish him off. Never mind that I tried to eat the chicken too. Apparently, back then I was neither a skilled cook, nor a skilled assassin. Either way, we've come a long way from "Are you trying to KILL me?" to arrive at "I like your cooking."
The theme this week for You Capture @ I Should be Folding Laundry is "the feeling of fall." And by that, I don't think Beth means the way I felt when I stepped on a lego and then in the owwing-yelling-hopping, fell forward into the door frame. No, I think she means the seasonal feeling. And this week, the fall feeling has been all about the apples--the versatile fruit that Dani eats, I bake and Larry appreciates.
So, how do you like them apples?I love them. A bushel and a peck.