I've Misplaced My Copious Mental Notes (Again!)
I have a little problem. (Just one, you ask?) Well, just one that I'm going to tell you about.
I want very much to be in the moment. (You know, be all there, just this one life, yadda, yadda, yadda).
I also want very much to remember the moments. To say what they mean in my own words. To paraphrase my life. And I really like to do that here. But that takes time and a computer and an internet connection. Three things to which I have very little access lately.
So what do I do? I take copious mental notes and then misplace them.
If it weren't for the pictures I took, I might have forgotten how Dani reached up to pat her cousin James' head, how he put his arm around her and laughed at her silly faces.
I would have forgotten the sound of my brother's voice taking his son and mine from hyper to sleepy with a bedtime book that went on forever. How he looked at me and quipped, "No page passes without commentary."
I would have forgotten how Dani held hands with Emily in every waking hour, calling her "Darling", kissing her cheek and saying, "Come on, Daughter, time to go to da doc'or!" And how Emily sweetly played the part of the baby even though she was many years Sheridan's senior.I'm thankful to at least have the pictures, but I still don't know what to do. How do you live a life this full? How do you find time to give thanks, be still, build relationships, carry on traditions, and still have time to notice and write and remember?
And that's not a rhetorical question. I really want to know. Any ideas?