Flashback Friday! (And yes, I know it's Monday)

This is going to be random. Buckle up, folks.

1) First, a huge thanks to those of you who commented on the last post with recommendations for books to read, pink and otherwise. Quadruple bonus points for everyone! You guys rock. Dani and I took our list to the library this morning and came back with a pile of pink books, a few fun books for Caed, and a couple more to add to my reading backlog. I even found the Magic Treehouse series on CD at the library, which will come in super handy on our upcoming road trip.

2) I have (gasp!) been thinking a little bit about homeschooling. A very, very leeeetle bit. So I asked Caed this morning how he felt about doing school at home and me being his teacher. His one word response: "Bad."

Well now, don't hide your true feelings for fear of hurtin' mine.

I'm going to take this as a sign that he loves his current teacher and not that he despises his mother. Also? My grandiose home educating thoughts are officially on the back burner.

Fine! I didn't really want to anyway!

3) I am completely unable to stop fawning over the cuteness that is Dani's voice. This morning she randomly burst out into Ingrid Michaelson's song The Mountain and the Sea. "You can mooooob a mountain. You can mooooooob a mountain!" Seriously, there was no music playing, no talk of mountains or of moving anything. She just started singing. I love it ever so much when she does that.

4) Now, are you ready for some Big Bloggy News? (Funny how you can add the word "bloggy" in between "big" and "news", and suddenly you've been swept from CNN-worthy to Even-Nana-Doesn't-Care-Status.) Anyway.

This Friday, provided I can get the flux capacitor working, we'll fire up the DeLorean Time Machine and launch into Flashback Friday! Now I know what you're thinking. What the heck is Flashback Friday? And really, why must bloggers perseverate so on alliteration? Well, I can't help you with the second question, but the first one? That I can explain.

Flashback Friday is your chance to write a story or snippet from your past, to share an old picture or a fond memory. It can range the gamut of side-splitting funny to tear-jerking sad, from last month to last century. It's admittedly my excuse to bring back the Stories in my Pocket series, but without the limitations of timeline and tone. We can write about whatever we want, in whatever voice, in whatever decade. I will provide a theme or prompt only to help stir the pot. And then off you go to flashback and link up.

So (and yes, I'm pretty much begging you), please plan on joining in for our inaugural Flashback Friday!

Disclamer: I didn't think up Flashback Friday. I do not possess such alliterative brilliance. From what I can gather, it was started at My Tiny Kingdom (a blog that closed last year). And I don't think anyone will mind if we give it a whirl here.

So, are you in? How do you feel about Flashback Friday?

And if you answer "Bad", I will blame my bursting into tears entirely on you. The rejection from my one and only son of course would have nothing to do with it.

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