When You Can't Shut Up About It
It's already been established that Calli would dig a tunnel through snow and ice just to get to her tennis ball. And since words can't begin to describe how much she pink puffy hearts her ball, she just barks about it. Incessantly.But who I am to judge? I do my fair share of
barking droning blogging on and on about the things I hold most dear. Take now, for instance. You can't see me, but I'm totally locked on Dani's sky blue eyes.And now I'm smiling under the spell of Caed's infectious grin.
So when I tell Calli to give it a rest, that she's being obnoxious, that she's such a ball-obsessed k9 cliche, I am keenly aware of the pot and kettle dynamic we've got going on.
Thankfully, Calli would rather point to birds than my hypocrisy. So I toss her the ball a time or twenty, and she curls up by my feet as I start another post. And on this we agree. Love is when you can't shut up about it.
Linked up to You Capture at I Should Be Folding Laundry, where this week's prompt is "Color."
Oh, and just a quick reminder that Flashback Friday is ON for tomorrow! I don't have a prompt for this week, so I guess that makes it a Free-for-all-Flashback Friday. (I must be racking up bonus points somewhere for this prolific alliteration. Or more likely demerits. Yes, most definitely demerits...)