Blame it on the babies

I'm not sure how old a gal has to be before it becomes unacceptable to post her weight on the internet. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say Sheridan won't be offended if I share her 2 year old stats. At her appointment yesterday, she weighed in at 28 pounds and is 34 inches tall. I am also pleased to report that there was a recent sighting of her knees, just beginning to emerge from the shadows of her pudgy thighs.

I laughed when the pediatrician asked me if she puts words together. Yes, in fact, she has actually taken over writing the blog. And she has a novel coming out in the spring, entitled, "Where have all the paci's gone?"

Which brings me to my next developmental tidbit. I took her pacifiers all away, again. This is the third time, and there is nothing charming about it. Each time I've started the pacifier detox, we've run into an obstacle--like an ear infection, or traveling, or as was the case yesterday during nap, a conference call. I just needed her to stay in her crib a little bit longer, and a little bit more quietly. I knew I would pay later.

So this afternoon, I took my crutch away. The binkys have been trashed, and there is no going back. Ever since round two of the pacifier removal, I have been telling Dani that she is a big girl, and so we gave all her pacifiers away to the babies. Luckily, her deductive reasoning is not quite developed enough to have caught me in the lie. (So if we gave the pacis to the babies three days ago, how did one suddenly reappear in my crib during naptime when mom came up to "shoosh" me?)

Tonight as we were getting ready for bed, she randomly quipped, "Babies took Dani's pacis away. No, NO babies." That's right, Dani, keep blaming it on the babies. Because your mother had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

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