Do It Yourself Sunshine
When you're ten years shy of a teenager, sun is (fortunately) not a necessary ingredient for a delightful afternoon at the beach. After all, it's not like we go there to sunbathe.
We go to find "cool sea stuff" and to "take a pi'ture of this one!"And to chase sea gulls and show off our treasures. Which usually turn out to be rocks.
But sometimes turn out to be baby sand sharks! (Albeit a dead one...which, while very sad for the sand shark turned out to be very exciting for the beach goers).
"Oh, Daddy is gonna be sooo imprised!! I mean, impressed. And he won't believe it!! So did you get a pi'ture, Mom??" (Yes dear, about a hundred of them, mostly of you holding rocks).
And even though sometimes we complain about why we have to wear "short sleeved pants" instead of "swimmin' stuff", we're perfectly happy to explore "sand rivers" and flirt with the previously established limit of not going in past our ankles.
And then, exhausted from exploration, we buckle in and head home. And while one of us chatters non stop about sand sharks and seals and superheroes (somehow relating the three in a way I could not begin to remember), the littlest one drifts until she is proclaimed "WIDE ASLEEP!" by her watchful big brother.
And we look back on our day and conclude that we have made our own sunshine.
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