Peace Out
This morning as we were gearing up to go the beach, I strategically stowed the kids in the car and ran back in the house to grab an extra towel and a few granola bars.
When I came back to the garage a minute later, Dani was screaming at the top of her lungs and Caed was feigning a whiny whimper.
"You guys, what on earth is all this screaming and fussing about?" I questioned.
Caed piped in on behalf of my buckled-in brood, "Well, Dani is screaming because she wants her sandals back on. And I am crying because I just want PEACE!"
Well now, don't we all...
Forget peacemaking talks and peacekeeping troops. If ever there is to be true world peace (or perhaps just garage/vehicle peace), we must abide by one simple yet profound rule of law.
No matter how old, no matter how young: Naps are mandatory.Peace. Out.