I See a Blueberry Cobbler in Our Future
Well, it seems that every year since the dawn of the blog, I write a post about blueberry picking. And why should this year be any different?But first, I would like to point out that nine-month old Molly is a body language prodigy. Not only has she perfected the Stink Eye, as demonstrated in the photo below, but she has mastered the high five and the fist bump (thanks to cousin Caed's dutiful tutelage). I love how her Stink Eye pose simultaneously asks "What you talkin' about Willis?" and "You wanna piece o' me?"
Pictured below, Grace and Caed remembering to count their blueberries before they eat them. (Note: Grace tried very hard to adhere to her rule of "pick five, eat two", but judging from the buckets she turned in, I'm guessing it was more like "pick three, eat three, pretend to bring some over to the big container, sneak a tremendous mouthful".)
Now this next picture cracked me up. Because folks, if this isn't a candid, then I don't know what is. Pretend these are little bubble clouds of thought, left to right:
Glory: "I think I'm gonna be sick."
Grace: "Here, Caed, just a few more. Remember we can pick two and eat five."
Caed: "I can't even LOOK at another blueberry."
Dani: "Would you believe this is the same blueberry I've been carrying around for fifteen minutes? I don't really do fruit, so this is more of an accessory."
We returned with nearly eight pounds of sweet Maine blueberries. Even little Sal's mother would have to agree that's a whole lotta blueberries!
So tomorrow, I think we'll host an impromptu blueberry pancake breakfast. All proceeds will go to the Make a Face Foundation, founded of course by Molly, the face-making prodigy, in an effort to raise awareness about how special she is and about how much she loves pancakes.